8 pounds down, gone, buh bye... I have done it and I want to teach you how to unlock sustainable weight loss.

8 pounds down

Your 4-Week Transformation Journey

Are you tired of struggling with your weight, battling constant cravings, and feeling the frustration of insulin resistance? You're not alone, and I'm here to guide you toward lasting change with ease.

Can you even imagine going into the holiday season not being triggered by sweets and treats?

Can you imagine not having weight loss on your NEW YEARS resolution list?

What You'll Discover in This 4-Week Program:

Nutrition Made Simple: Together we will collaborate on a meal plan that works for you that's not just about what you eat, but when and how. No more restrictive diets, just sustainable, enjoyable choices.

Balanced Mindset: You and me 1:1- Let's explore your relationship with food and the emotions that drive cravings. You'll gain a toolkit to regain control over emotional eating and stress-related urges. You will understand why you have urges, and exactly how to deal with them.

Effective Products: You'll have access to products used and recommended by Joslin Diabetes Center, the world's largest diabetes research and clinical care organization, and Metagenics, a leader in personalized healthcare & science-based nutrition. They have joined together to help patients properly manage glucose responses, resolve inflammation, and drop weight!

You do not have to be diabetic to get results from this program. In fact, getting a handle early on of your weight and cravings is THE BEST thing you can do for YOU.

Holistic Approach: This program isn't about quick fixes; it's about long-lasting lifestyle changes that work with your body's natural rhythms.

Drop Weight Permanently: Say goodbye to the rollercoaster of weight gain and loss. You'll learn how to manage your weight with ease.

Improved Health: Tackle insulin resistance to reduce your risk of chronic conditions and regain your vitality.

Your Invitation to Transform:

This program is not just about weight loss; it's about transforming your life, your health, and your relationship with food. PERMANENTLY.

Join me on a 4-week journey to see what is possible for you.

Reserve your spot now and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.

Ready to learn more?

Schedule a free consultation and let's chat about how this program can work for you. (if you are having trouble finding a time, email me and I can open up some times.)

Embrace the ease of transformation.

I'm here to guide you.


Nancy Despres

Nancy Despres

RN, MBE – Holistic Nurse

Hi, I'm Nancy Despres and I'm 100% committed to getting you back to where you believe you should be.

About Nancy